Do you truly understand the importance of storytelling in marketing? The art of storytelling is ingrained into each and every one of us, making it a versatile way to yield the power of communication and interaction. Storytelling can influence buying decisions and when executed properly, it is possible to melt even a heart made of “steel”. From changing the opinions of skeptics out there to rising action and improving the resolution, storytelling is an essential tactic for developing meaning and connection through your audience. Being honest, being real, and remaining genuine throughout the storytelling process can have a profound impact on brand image.

Integrating Storytelling into Work

If you are a family-run business, a solo entrepreneur, therapist, beautician, or whatever it is that has you leaning towards storytelling as a marketing tactic, you have the advantage of integrating stories to rise action. Consider what happens in your working environment, such as how your employees work, what the business grounds look like, how it all begun, etc. Teaching your audience about what it is that makes your company stand out, what trials and tribulations you face, and how you strive to keep customers happy will prove highly effective for engagement.

Connecting with Your Audience on a Personal Level to Boost Action

Within the first 15 seconds, you need to captivate your audience and keep them hooked. Don’t let them search elsewhere for the same information by talking too much or creating a long intro. Make the intro short and sweet. Involve the viewer(s) by asking a question at the very beginning, such as “Are you tired of dealing with long claims processes?” Of course, this is just an example depending on your specialty niche, but by asking questions throughout the duration of the video, you can essentially share a story and resonate with someone who has dealt with a somewhat similar experience.

Gleaning Stories to Inspire Others

Having a new story to share all of the time can be difficult, tiring and if you slack on quality, your viewer levels may drop. Instead of guest posting to share other people’s stories, why not organize an interview with a prominent figure in your industry. Use video interview footage to convey a message that will indicate that you are affiliated with some big names, not to mention want to provide your viewers with the most inspiring storytelling material possible.

Climaxing Your Credibility as an Expert

The power of storytelling in marketing is unparalleled and since some of the most successful brands out there are actively promoting themselves as experts, there is no doubt that you can add to your credibility as an expert. Experts aren’t afraid to tell their stories and more often than not, they will want to share their successes as a way of inspiring the audience. Film footage with a high-quality piece of equipment, look the part, don’t stutter, talk with confidence and if possible, get in touch with other industry experts and conduct video interviews.


Stories sell and when you start bringing your brand’s message to life with storytelling, you can connect with your audience on an emotional level. This will convert to higher levels of traffic, better rates of conversion, and trust from your customers. When used as a supporting message in all aspects of marketing, be it a blog post or an online webinar, storytelling can grasp immediate attention and retain it. Most people who listen to a story or watch it unfold in video format will associate certain aspects or “roles” in the video with an experience of their own. Relate with your viewers and the opportunities for business success are boundless.