Video is a powerful medium, suitable for delivering entertainment, news and information. However, it is not without limits. Not every kind of information lends itself to the visual medium. When you must share complex, technical data like statistics and charts in a visual form, presenting it in a way that makes the point clearly is difficult. With video, the challenge is even greater. VideoGraphics is the tool you need to get the job done.
VideoGraphics and Event Planning
Engaging your guests is a central goal of every event. Video is a great way to draw attention. Unfortunately, preparing video is not always easy. Doing the job right takes specialized tools, software and expertise. However, modern technology can put these tools in the palm of your hand. The VideoGraphics platform makes building and sharing videos simple. VideoGraphics is a cloud-based video content platform that helps you create and share video quickly and easily. You can use VideoGraphics at every phase of your event.
- Before your event, use VideoGraphics to draw attention to your topic.
During the pre-event phase, your focus is on planning and publicizing the event. You can use video content to publicize the event on your website and through social media. In addition, you will need video content to introduce and support your presenters. Finally, informational content like schedules, directions and maps are far more useful and impactful in video form.
- During the event, VideoGraphics helps you present real-time data.
Static informational videos that you prepare ahead of time may look great, but if the information is not updated, they will quickly lose their appeal and fade into the background. Content that would quickly grow boring and useless becomes something much greater when it includes real-time information.
You can present nearly any type of data in this way. Current attendance numbers, fundraising totals, current sales, forecasts and targets are just a few ideas. Even something as simple as a schedule can remain useful and engaging through the course of the event when it is continuously updated. The uses of real-time information on unlimited; your creativity is the only limit.
- After the doors close, VideoGraphics lets you convey the impact of your event quickly and concisely.
Once the event is over, they are still plenty of questions to be answered. How many people attended your event? What were the most popular events? How many people visited your event social media page? How many people downloaded your event app? These are all interesting questions; the answers can be presented in an engaging fashion using video.
Perhaps you would prefer some more useful information. What was the average cost per guest? How much money did your event bring in from sponsors and vendors? What was the total return on investment? What about the ROI per attendee? It makes no difference what you need to say; video can deliver your message quickly and effectively.
Producing engaging video can be difficult, but it does not have to be. You can be sure that your point gets across when you use VideoGraphics.