There is an incredible amount of content and information into today’s tech bubble. How do people weed through the noise and find your brand? More importantly–what do they experience? Storytelling is incredibly a human experience, yet many brands fail to acknowledge the customer journey. Storytelling teaches us to re-prioritize what matters–the human touch to our brand story. If we neglect the human experience to our product, brand, and company–we trivialize the impact of our brand on people. We miss half the picture, and therefore make marketing decisions on incomplete information. There are just a few steps to regain clarity.
Storytelling is About The Human Experience 
Visualize your customer journey. Focus on plotting data points into a cohesive and complete customer experience. This will give you an incredibly powerful tool and angle with which to approach your marketing strategy. There are plenty of great free resources available that will give you a start on creating a customer journey map. After diving into the customer experience, dive deeper. Surround yourself with the emotions, the sensory input, the complete experience of your customer. We have just the info session to help.
MediaMobz is proud to be a sponsor of the Digital Narrative Alliance, an organization that centers around the stories that drive brands, people, and our experiences. There’s a lot to take away from DNA’s offerings. At the outset, we invite you to:
Learn From a Master Storyteller
Brian Solis in partnership with DNA (Digital Narrative Alliance) will be hosting a hour webinar on May 15th at 2:00pm PST. You can follow the link here to the narrative website to register and learn more. Brian is the author of, “X: The Experience Where Business Meets Design” a widely popular work that discusses the importance of prioritizing the human experience. Tune in to learn how to design your brand around the customer experience and more–a fantastic opportunity to learn directly from a renowned storyteller and ask questions of your own. Did we mention it’s completely free?